Well, it looks like I've been missing out on posting again. Geez, school is annoying sometime, right? Well, lucky for me, it's almost over (sorta). I finally graduate from Angelo State University this year, May 10th, and will have a Bachelor's Degree in English, Specializing in Creative Writing (currently Poetry). And, within the next few months, I will be signing up for classes through Texas Teachers, for my Alternative Certification. I'm so excited about that! I'll be on probation, but still getting all the benefits of a regular teacher.
So, what have I been doing since March? Well, to be honest, not a whole lot. I'm still working on my husband's belt for his own choice of study. Did I mention he's in the Police Academy? If not, now you know. I am really excited about it, it's my first time using a nylon thread and, even though it hurts my fingers to crochet so tight and small, it's actually turning out really nicely. I may even have a few orders of these if my husband's classmates like his. (I'm hoping to get it done before his graduation, on the 16th of May. Wish me luck!)
I am also working on that very large Black Light blanket that I started a few months back. It's coming along quite nicely, though I may go back and work some color in there, like white and maybe even some black. It's wide enough now for a lapghan, but hubby won't let me stop there. Got to make it big enough for him and I to share on our not-yet-existent king sized bed. I may or may not get it that big, after all, it's bigger than I had thought and it's quite a challenge (It is my second afghan of any size and I didn't realize that they were quite popular. I may have to learn to crochet faster if they become a staple order!)
Down below is an order that I am currently working on (I have more than this finished, but it's not photographed). A marvelous lady contacted me via my Facebook page, asking me if I could finish a blanket for her. Of course I said yes, and all I have to do it sew the rows together and then create a nice border. Simple and easy. Now, if I could only concentrate on that instead of freaking out about my Poetry final.
Ain't it just the cutest? If I remember correctly, this was supposed to be a blanket for the customer's daughter, but it never got finished (hence the name and date in the middle). However, there is another baby on the way, and she would love to give this blanket to that child. How could I say no to that?! I couldn't.
I wish I could say I had something planned for Mother's Day, but sadly, I do not. I'm a little busy with school and graduation (and Mother's Day is the day after I graduate), so nothing this year. Our one year anniversary is also coming up. I'm super excited about that too. I love my husband dearly, so this is fantastic for us!
The next thing I post will probably be about my graduation (or the blanket, since it shouldn't take me too long to finish, I just have to get on it). Look for me in my cap and gown, all prettied up for my big day!