Sunday, September 8, 2013

Firefly & Serenity

So, I’m sure y’all know what those are (and if you don’t… Google it and explore the new world you’ve discovered!). Well, I just wanted to let y’all know that I am working on… Yup, you guessed it: Jayne’s Hat!


Lucky for me, since I’m not a knitter, I’ve found a couple of crochet patterns to make myself one! But wait… It doesn’t look right at all. Something about those crochet patterns aren’t quite working… Hmm, time for a new strategy? I think so.

Well, once more, I got lucky. There’s this stitch out there called the Tunisian Knit Stitch. It’s a fantastic stitch that looks like the work is knitted, when it’s really not. Now the hard part was finding a pattern that would work the way I wanted it to. (Just remember to keep your stitches loose!)

This time, I’m improvising. I found a good pattern here and am working on making it into the coolest Jayne Cobb Hat ever! I don’t have pictures yet, but I’m working on that. In a day or so, if I can/have the time, then I’ll post a Work In Progress picture or two. It should be finished before September 20th, since that is Browncoat Day!

What is “Browncoat Day” you ask? Well, just click this nifty link and find out! We’ll be waiting for all Space Cowboys to join! And let them know Julie Thorpe-Hornaday sent ya! Open-mouthed smile

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