Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Busy Little Bee!

I've been busy for a bit: working on the blue blanket from my last post, my husband's belt, our massive King sized blanket, and various other Works in Progress. I really should sit down and finish one thing before I start another, though I do like making things that work up fast so that I can take them with me while traveling around town (since I've been busy finishing up becoming a married woman!).

Like these ADORABLE little scrubbies. Okay, first things first... My husband, my darling husband, has let me buy more yarn that I need this past week, offering me his wallet TWICE to go and get more. So, thanks to his generosity, I have been able to get some 100% cotton yarn (Peaches and Creme, some great stuff) and I had no ideal what to use with it.
 The first yarn I got was "Hippi" by Peaches and Creme. I love the colors on this one, it's really pretty. The next one I got was Yuletide (and I have a couple of balls of them), that I'm going to hold off making until I go on my trip next month (gives me something to do). Those will be Christmas gifts. The next ball I got was "Stars and Stripes". It wasn't quite what I expected, though I do kinda like the Texas flag look to it (yeah, it's upside down in the photo, but I was tying to capture the colors, which took a while). Beautiful, isn't it?
Psychedelic by Peaches and Creme: two tones, one scrubbie!
My next purchase was "Psychedelic". I really like this yarn, since it gives two different color sets in one little scrubbie. Same with "Hippi", though this one is so much more colorful and bright! I really can't help but love these things. They're perfect for washing your face or yourself. Heck, they might even be good for dishes, though I'd like something with a little more texture/a rougher feeling to it for my dishes,so I'm going to try to make some with an old loofah with acrylic yarn (like Red Heart) for dishes and what-not. And if that doesn't work quite the way I want, I'm going to try to tulle with the acrylic yarn (since those are all over the internet).
If you want to make your very own scrubbies, stop by and check it out. There is also a YouTube video by Naztazia who tells you how to put them together (which the website doesn't explain 100% clearly). There are even sites out there to tell you how to switch the colors to make striped scrubbies.

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